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Dr. Soham Doshi

M.B.B.S., M.D. (Medicine), DNB (Gastroenterology), Fellow in Transplant Hepatology, Delhi

Dr. Soham Sunilkumar Doshi is a Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist & Endoscopist at NIROG super speciality clinic Dwaraka Nashik. Earlier he was based for three years in the Department of Gastroenterology at Jagjivan Ram Railway Hospital, Mumbai, from 2013 to 2016. He worked as chief gastroenterologist at sahyadri hospital and wockhardt hospitals Nashik from 2016 to 2022. He is presently working as chief hepatologist at Apollo hospital Nashik. Dr. Doshi has considerable experience and expertise in liver transplant advanced diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies, including endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP), fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) high-resolution manometry (HRM), single balloon enteroscopy, etc.


I have performed the following number of endoscopies independently:
Diagnostic UGI endoscopies – 20000
Therapeutic UGI endoscopies – 10000

❖ Endoscopic sclerotherapy & glue injection for varices
❖ Endoscopic variceal band ligation
❖ Endoscopic management of bleeding peptic ulcer
❖ Esophageal stricture dilatation
❖ Achalasia dilatation
❖ Argon plasma coagulation for GI bleed
❖ Hemoclip application
❖ Esophageal SEMS deployment
❖ Foreign body removal
❖ Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)


  1. Completed fellowship/observership at MEDANTA MEDICITY, Gurgaon in LIVER TRANSPLANT
  2. Performed more than 20000 diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies
  3. Special experience in modern techniques like EUS, Manometry, Single Balloon enteroscopy
  4. Special training sessions by International faculty (dr Vikesh Singh, dr Hari Conjivaram,dr Satish Rao) at Jagjivanram Hospital, Mumbai
  5. Teaching experience to second year, third year MBBS MD students, interns: Lectures, practical and tutorials over 8 years.


Pediatric diagnostic and therapeutic upper GI endoscopies

Diagnostic colonoscopies – 7000
Therapeutic colonoscopies – 1000

❖ Polypectomy
❖ Control of LGI bleed
❖ SEMS deployment

Motility Lab

❖ Esophageal manometry 5000
❖ Anorectal Manometry 1000
❖ Biofeedback 300